The Grid template

London’s Power Stations

The history of London's power supply system prior to the inauguration of the National Grid is one of inefficiency and diversity of systems. At one time London (not even the area of today's Greater London) had over seventy separate power stations. Not very much is known about them, in many cases it is not really even known where they were. In Greater London we would find at least another forty or so power stations. Virtually all of them have now gone, although a few of the original building survive.

This is the beginning of an attempt to identify and document every one of them.

The attached represents a very early start to document the locations of each of them, together with opening and closure dates - the latter being especially ill-documented. Later it is hoped to include photographs and some technical information.

Any comments, or additional information, will be especially welcome.

The attached report is the inventory of power stations as far as it has got.

To download the report and inventory, please click the button below. Please give the above download several seconds to arrive as it is at least a large-ish file. If you experience a problem using the button, there is an alternative link at the bottom of the column. Clicking opens report in new window.

Alternative link to download power station article

Photographs and Links

London Area Power Stations 1951

20th Century London

Current UK Power Stations

Wood Lane Power station

A Potted History of Electricity Supply in London

A comprehensive history of London's power stations is very much in hand, but is not a fast process given other pressures. Some of the work can be found in the introduction to the Inventory, available using the button at the bottom of the adjacent column. In the meantime, the briefest of the outline story can be found by clicking HERE.

Links and Further Information

Click below for a selection of photographs or links to other sites with photographs or information. Clicking opens each item in a new window.

Click below for a map of London showing power station sites in 1951

Click below for a link to 'Exploring 20th Century London' and information about power stations

Click below for a link to information about today's power station locations

Click below for a link to information about the former Wood Lane power station (of the Kensington & Knightsbridge Electric Lighting Co and Notting Hill Electric Lighting Co)