London's vanished power stations and the firms that ran them — Photos and Links
The history of London's power supply system prior to the inauguration of the National Grid is one of inefficiency and diversity of systems. At one time London (not even the area of today's Greater London) had over seventy separate power stations. Not very much is known about them, in many cases it is not really even known where they were. In Greater London we would find at least another forty or so power stations. Virtually all of them have now gone, although a few of the original building survive.
The links below are either to photographs taken by myself or to other sites with London power station photos.
This will be subject to frequent updating.
Pity more people didn't photograph London's historic power stations. Full marks to those that did. Links to other websites are fairly obvious and photographs are credited on their sites. Photos on THIS site are my copyright [unless they are (1) accredited to someone else, or (2) emerge from a link].
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Battersea (a lot more from Google Images)
Barking new power station - Website apparently unavailable as this 20-year old station plans to close
Brunswick Wharf (Poplar) (exterior 1)
Brunswick Wharf (Poplar) (exterior 2)
Holborn Viaduct (article and photos)
Littlebrook - history and details, some photos
Shoreditch (Coronet Street) disused power house (link to current user)
Shoreditch and its municipal power system (link to good blog item)
Click below for a selection of photographs or links to other sites with photographs or information
Alpha Place (Flood Street) 2004
Adelaide Restaurant Site (436 Strand) 2004 [One of the earliest electrical establishments]
Carnaby Street rear [Marshall Street] 2004
Carnaby Street power station building c. 1960
Davies Street power station building
Ergon House (Horseferry Rd) 2004
Grosvenor Gallery Chimney behind Bloomfield Flats (Bloomfield Place)
57 Holborn Viaduct (site) 2004
Kingston shortly before demolition (2008)
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Click below for a selection of aerial photographs of power station sites.
St Johns Wood and Aberdeen Place
This 1921 shot is looking south and shows at top left
the massive St Johns Wood power station of the Central
Electric Supply co, and at top right the Aberdeen Place
station of St Marylebone Borough.
Stanhope Street (sometimes called
Regents Park)
This 1926 shot is looking south and shows at centre,
towards the left, the tall chimney of the Stanhope Street
station of St Pancras Borough Council. Regents Park is on
the right.
East Ham
This 1926 shot is looking south east and shows at
centre the large area owned by East Ham Borough Council
upon which was situated (amongst other things) the town
hall, power station and tramway depot..
This 1928 shot is looking north west. The power
station is located from its smoking chimney towards the
right of the shot, a little higher than centre, and set
back slightly from Fulham Palace Road and just to the south
of the District Railway as it enters Hammersmith