Some basic UK rail statistics

UK Passenger Journey Volumes, rail and other modes


The following data shows the total volume of GB travel back to 1963 expressed in passenger-km (so ten passengers travelling one kilometre creates ten pass/km and one passenger travelling ten km would also generate ten pass/km). The table not only shows travel by mainline rail and London Underground, but also all travel by road and domestic air.

It will be apparent that rail and air travel leave evidence in the form of ticket sales which make the statistics relatively robust compared with other modes. Most road travel is by private car and the government statisticians have to use a variety of methods to obtain plausible average loadings and average distances travelled. In broad order of magnitude the data should be useable at a practical level but in considering small variations its derivation should be considered. The component data for bus and coach travel should be regarded with some suspicion as the data collection systems have varied widely, especially after deregulation.

The Data

The table below shows the following, in column order:
(1) Year, either calendar year or April to March, as indicated;
(2) Number of passenger-kilometres journeys on entire national rail network in billions (sum of columns 7, 8 and 9);
(3) Number of passenger-kilometres journeys on national road network in billions (cars, vans, taxis, buses, coaches);
(4) Number of passenger-kilometres journeys on UK domestic air network in billions;
(5) Total number of passenger-kilometres within UK on all modes;
(6) Proportion of total passenger-kilometres in UK (all modes) undertaken by all rail (ie number in column 2);
(7) That contribution of UK Rail undertaken by passengers on UK main line railways;
(8) That contribution of UK Rail undertaken by passengers on London Underground network;
(9) That contribution of UK Rail undertaken by passengers on other UK Metro and tram systems.

All numbers are in billions of passenger-kilometres a year (except column 6). Note: the addition of 2009/10 data reveals a number of corrections to previous years' data which have been included. The numbers (below) for bus travel are suspect following a drastic rebase by DfT and enquiries are being made.


UK Rail (all)
UK Road (all)
UK air
UK travel (all)
UK Rail Market Share
Main Line Rail
London Under-ground
Other Rail and light rail
2017-8 80 718 9 807 9.9% 66 13  
2016-7 80 710 8 798 10.0% 66 12  
2015-6 78 704 9 791 9.9% 65 11  
2014-5 75 705 8 788 9.5% 63 11  
2013-4 72 692 8 772 9.3% 60 10  
2012-3 70 699 8 777 9.0% 58 10  
2011-2 68 697 8 773 8.8% 57 10  
2010-1 65 700 8 773 8.4% 55 9 1
2009-10 61 717 8 786 7.7% 51 8 1
2008-9 61 720 9 790 7.7% 51 9 1
2007-8 59 728 10 796 7.4% 49 8 1
2006-7 55 727 10 792 7.0% 46 8 1
2005-6 52 722 10 784 6.6% 43 8 1
2004-5 50 728 10 788 6.4% 42 8 1
2003-4 49 726 9 784 6.2% 41 7 1
2002-3 48 729 9 786 6.3% 40 8 1
2001-2 47 707 8 762 6.1% 39 7 1
2000-1 46 696 8 750 6.2% 38 7 1
1999-00 46 697 7 751 6.2% 38 7 1
1998-9 44 689 7 740 5.9% 36 7 1
1997-8 42 684 7 733 5.7% 35 6 1
1996-7 39 673 6 718 5.4% 32 6 1
1995-6 37 669 6 712 5.2% 30 6 0
1994-5 35 666 6 707 5.0% 29 6 0
1993-4 37 659 5 701 5.3% 30 6 0
1992-3 38 636 5 679 5.6% 32 6 0
1991-2 39 637 5 681 5.7% 33 6 0
1990-1 40 645 5 690 5.8% 33 6 0
1989-90 39 639 5 683 5.7% 33 6 0
1988-9 41 593 5 639 6.4% 34 6 0
1987-8 39 559 4 602 6.5% 32 6 0
1986-7 37 526 4 567 6.5% 31 6 0
1985-6 36 504 4 544 6.6% 30 6 0
1984-5 35 495 3 533 6.6% 30 5 0
1983 34 474 3 511 6.7% 30 4 0
1982 31 470 3 504 6.2% 27 4 0
1981 34 457 3 494 6.9% 30 4 0
1980 35 453 3 491 7.1% 30 4 0
1979 37 433 3 471 7.8% 32 4 0
1978 36 436 3 474 7.5% 31 5 0
1977 34 425 2 461 7.4% 30 4 0
1976 33 418 2 454 7.3% 29 4 0
1975 35 401 2 438 8.1% 30 5 0
1974 36 403 2 442 8.2% 31 5 0
1973 35 414 2 452 7.8% 30 5 0
1972 35 395 2 432 8.1% 29 5 0
1971 36 381 2 419 8.5% 30 5 0
1970 36 365 2 403 8.9% 31 5 0
1969 35 359 2 396 8.8% 30 5 0
1968 34 353 2 388 8.6% 29 5 0
1967 34 345 2 381 9.0% 29 5 0
1966 35 332 2 369 9.5% 30 5 0
1965 35 312 2 349 10.1% 30 5 0
1964 37 301 2 340 10.9% 32 5 0
1963 36 274 1 311 11.6% 31 5 0