GB Rail Facts and Figures
Passenger Journey Volumes by Modal Split from 1963
The following data shows the total volume of GB freight traffic back to 1953 expressed in tonne-km (so ten tonnes travelling one kilometre creates ten tonne/km and one tonne travelling ten km would also generate ten tonne/km). For comparative purposes other major modes are shown as well as rail.
It will be striking immediately that rail's share has dropped by about a half during this period, while total traffic has gone up by factor of three. Clearly rail's share of the market has diminished hugely during this period, not helped by loss of many traditional loads (notably coal). It would have been hit harder if it had not focused heavily on what rail does best which is long distance hauls in trainload units.
Caution should be used in comparing individual years with another, or reading too much into apparent accuracy of the numbers. The usual complaints apply here - that many numbers can only be estimated and the basis of collection of data and its presentation has frequently changed, not always with explanation.
The whole of the data after 2008 has recently been altered and recast by DfT (with some very significant changes) and no reason has been attributed. Quite what the 'true' numbers are I cannot say.
The Data
The table below shows the following, in column order:
(1) Year, either calendar year or April to March, as indicated;
(2) Number of tonne-kilometres carried on national rail network in
(3) Number of tonne-kilometres carried on national road network in
(4) Number of tonne-kilometres carried by water between uk ports and on
waterways in billions;
(5) Number of tonne-kilometres carried by UK pipelines in billions;
(6) Total number of
tonne-kilometres carried within UK on all
(7) Proportion of total tonne-kilometres in UK (all
modes) undertaken by rail;
(8) Proportion of total tonne-kilometres in UK (all
modes) undertaken by road;
(9) Proportion of total tonne-kilometres in UK
(all modes) undertaken by water.
All numbers are in billions of tonne-kilometres a year (except columns
7-9 which are percentages).
e = Estimate (Data not yet published)
Notes | (1) Year |
(2) UK Rail (all) |
(3) UK Road (all) |
(4) UK water |
(5) UK Pipeline |
(6) UK All Freight |
(7) UK Rail share |
(8) UK Road share |
(9) UK Water share |
2010-1 | 19 | 151 | n/a | n/a | 230e | 8.3%e | 65.7%e | 21.3%e | |
2009-10 | 19 | 137 | 49 | 10 | 215 | 8.8% | 63.7% | 23.0% | |
1 | 2008-9 | 21 | 157 | 50 | 10 | 238 | 8.8% | 66.0% | 21.0% |
2007-8 | 21 | 169 | 51 | 10 | 251 | 8.4% | 67.3% | 20.3% | |
2006-7 | 22 | 163 | 52 | 11 | 248 | 8.9% | 65.7% | 21.0% | |
2005-6 | 22 | 163 | 61 | 11 | 257 | 8.6% | 63.4% | 23.7% | |
2 | 2004-5 | 20 | 163 | 59 | 11 | 253 | 7.9% | 64.4% | 23.3% |
2003-4 | 19 | 162 | 61 | 11 | 253 | 7.5% | 64.0% | 24.1% | |
2002-3 | 19 | 159 | 67 | 11 | 256 | 7.4% | 62.1% | 26.2% | |
2001-2 | 19 | 159 | 59 | 12 | 249 | 7.6% | 63.9% | 23.7% | |
2000-1 | 18 | 159 | 67 | 11 | 255 | 7.1% | 62.4% | 26.3% | |
3 | 1999-00 | 18 | 158 | 59 | 12 | 247 | 7.3% | 64.0% | 23.9% |
1998-9 | 17 | 160 | 57 | 12 | 246 | 6.9% | 65.0% | 23.2% | |
1997-8 | 17 | 157 | 48 | 11 | 233 | 7.3% | 67.4% | 20.6% | |
4 | 1996-7 | 15 | 154 | 55 | 12 | 236 | 6.4% | 65.3% | 23.3% |
1995-6 | 13 | 150 | 53 | 11 | 227 | 5.7% | 66.1% | 23.3% | |
1994-5 | 13 | 144 | 52 | 12 | 221 | 5.9% | 65.2% | 23.5% | |
1993-4 | 14 | 135 | 51 | 12 | 212 | 6.6% | 63.7% | 24.1% | |
1992-3 | 16 | 127 | 55 | 11 | 209 | 7.7% | 60.8% | 26.3% | |
1991-2 | 15 | 130 | 58 | 11 | 214 | 7.0% | 60.7% | 27.1% | |
1990-1 | 16 | 136 | 56 | 11 | 219 | 7.3% | 62.1% | 25.6% | |
5 | 1989-00 | 17 | 138 | 58 | 10 | 223 | 7.6% | 61.9% | 26.0% |
1988-9 | 18 | 130 | 59 | 11 | 218 | 8.3% | 59.6% | 27.2% | |
1987-8 | 18 | 113 | 54 | 11 | 196 | 9.2% | 57.7% | 27.6% | |
1986-7 | 17 | 105 | 55 | 10 | 187 | 9.1% | 56.1% | 29.4% | |
1985-6 | 15 | 103 | 58 | 11 | 187 | 8.0% | 55.1% | 31.0% | |
6 | 1984-5 | 13 | 100 | 60 | 10 | 183 | 7.1% | 54.6% | 32.8% |
1983 | 17 | 96 | 60 | 10 | 183 | 9.3% | 52.5% | 32.8% | |
1982 | 16 | 95 | 59 | 10 | 180 | 8.9% | 52.8% | 32.8% | |
1981 | 18 | 94 | 53 | 9 | 174 | 10.3% | 54.0% | 30.5% | |
1980 | 18 | 93 | 54 | 10 | 175 | 10.3% | 53.1% | 30.9% | |
1979 | 20 | 103 | 56 | 10 | 189 | 10.6% | 54.5% | 29.6% | |
1978 | 20 | 100 | 48 | 10 | 178 | 11.2% | 56.2% | 27.0% | |
1977 | 20 | 98 | 71 | 9 | 198 | 10.1% | 49.5% | 35.9% | |
1976 | 21 | 96 | 30 | 6 | 153 | 13.7% | 62.7% | 19.6% | |
1975 | 21 | 92 | 28 | 6 | 147 | 14.3% | 62.6% | 19.0% | |
1974 | 22 | 90 | 31 | 5 | 148 | 14.9% | 60.8% | 20.9% | |
1973 | 23 | 90 | 31 | 5 | 149 | 15.4% | 60.4% | 20.8% | |
7 | 1972 | 21 | 88 | 29 | 4 | 142 | 14.8% | 62.0% | 20.4% |
1971 | 22 | 86 | 22 | 4 | 134 | 16.4% | 64.2% | 16.4% | |
1970 | 25 | 85 | 23 | 3 | 136 | 18.4% | 62.5% | 16.9% | |
1969 | 23 | 83 | 24 | 3 | 133 | 17.3% | 62.4% | 18.0% | |
1968 | 23 | 79 | 25 | 2 | 129 | 17.8% | 61.2% | 19.4% | |
1967 | 21 | 75 | 25 | 2 | 123 | 17.1% | 61.0% | 20.3% | |
1966 | 24 | 73 | 26 | 2 | 125 | 19.2% | 58.4% | 20.8% | |
1965 | 25 | 69 | 25 | 1 | 120 | 20.8% | 57.5% | 20.8% | |
1964 | 26 | 66 | 25 | 1 | 118 | 22.0% | 55.9% | 21.2% | |
1963 | 25 | 57 | 25 | 1 | 108 | 23.1% | 52.8% | 23.1% | |
1962 | 26 | 55 | 24 | 1 | 106 | 24.5% | 51.9% | 22.6% | |
1961 | 29 | 53 | 22 | 1 | 105 | 27.6% | 50.5% | 21.0% | |
1960 | 30 | 49 | 20 | 0 | 99 | 30.3% | 49.5% | 20.2% | |
1959 | 29 | 46 | 21 | 0 | 96 | 30.2% | 47.9% | 21.9% | |
1958 | 30 | 41 | 21 | 0 | 92 | 32.6% | 44.6% | 22.8% | |
1957 | 34 | 37 | 21 | 0 | 92 | 37.0% | 40.2% | 22.8% | |
1956 | 35 | 38 | 22 | 0 | 95 | 36.8% | 40.0% | 23.2% | |
1955 | 35 | 38 | 20 | 0 | 93 | 37.6% | 40.9% | 21.5% | |
1954 | 36 | 35 | 20 | 0 | 91 | 39.6% | 38.5% | 22.0% | |
1953 | 37 | 32 | 20 | 0 | 89 | 41.6% | 36.0% | 22.5% |
Pipelines - some data based on estimates
2. Roads - From 2004 source data change -
previous figures not directly comparable.
3. Railways - From 1999 source data
change - previous figures not directly comparable. Earlier years
did not include GB Railfreight coal movements.
4. Railways - From 1996 source data
change - previous figures not directly comparable. Different
methodology (probably due to sale by BR of freight businesses).
5. Pipeline - After 1989 there is a source
data change.
6. Railways - figures depressed by miners'
7. Water - Figures for 1972 onwards are not
directly comparable with earlier years. Prior to 1972 data
relates to all GB coastwise traffic and internal traffic on BWB
Waterways. Afterwards incorporates all UK coastwise and 'one
port' traffic, with internal waterways.